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Fitness programs for beginners

Exercise is an important part of life. It's the best way to keep your body and mind healthy, but it can be difficult to know where to start. If you're looking to get more active, here are some easy exercises that are perfect for beginners:


Push-ups are the most common type of exercise, and are a great way to build upper body strength.

The best way to do push-ups is on the floor. You can also do them using a wall, if you don't have access to a gym or space in your home for floor exercises.

To start off with, lie down on your stomach with both hands on the ground under each shoulder blade. The distance between their elbows should be about as wide as their shoulders (arms bent at 90 degrees). Their feet should be flat on the ground and hip width apart from each other for balance. They should breathe in through their nose and out through their mouth until they've reached five counts; then they begin doing push-ups by raising themselves into an upright position while keeping arms straight—like they're trying not to touch any part of their body except for toes, heels and palms (which will be turned outward). Once they return to lying down again properly, then repeat this process 10 times before moving onto another set!

Crunches, lying leg raises and pike planks

Crunches are an exercise that targets your abdominals, or the muscles located in your stomach area. It’s important to understand that crunches are not just for abs, but also work on strengthening your back and hip flexors.

Lying leg raises involve raising one leg up in front of you while lying on the ground, then lowering it again and repeating with the other leg. This exercise is great for strengthening your core muscles as well as your thighs and glutes!

Pike planks require you to kneel down with knees bent at 90 degrees (like doing a pushup), then extend one arm straight above your head while keeping both feet flat on the floor. Try holding this position until you feel fatigued!

Lunges and squats

Lunges and squats are two popular exercises that target your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. They’re also great for building balance and flexibility—and can be done anywhere with little or no equipment.

To do a lunge: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward with one foot into a wide stance with your toes pointed slightly outward (no more than 30 degrees). Lower yourself until your front knee is bent at least 90 degrees (or as low as it comfortably can go). Push yourself back up using the heel of your front foot to return to standing. Repeat on other leg if desired; this is called alternating lunges. To add intensity without increasing difficulty level by requiring more weight or space, hold dumbbells at your sides during lunges as well as squats—this will help engage more muscles throughout the whole body!


There are also some exercises you can do to help prevent injury, such as:

Warm up before exercising. Warm muscles are less likely to be injured than cold ones.

Take a break before working out again after taking a break. The time between sets is important too; the shorter the time between sets, the more chance of injury.

Massage after exercise (stretching should be done throughout your workout though). Massage with a fascial gun can help us reduce soreness and improves circulation by increasing blood flow through muscular tissues and joints which increases flexibility in connective tissue surrounding muscles and joints. You can do it with a

The above are some of the best beginner exercises for the upper body. I hope this list has given you some ideas about how to start training and building muscle, even if it is your first time. If you have any questions or comments please let me know in the comments below!

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